I Brake for Yard Sales: and Flea Markets, Thrift Shops, Auctions, and the Occasional Dumpster - $25.00

Yesterday on my way to the MET in the UES I passed by Jonathan Adler and of course had to stop in... While browsing all of his colorful wacky decor, I noticed they had Lara Spencers new coffee table book for sale. Little did I know, Lara is a huge Jonathan Adler fan and a friend of the geometric genius. Ive been wanting to get this book since the day they announced its release on GMA. To my surprise, its actually amazing and helpful with tips and tricks for the thrifty creative mind like myself. I had no idea Lara was so talented and even into interior design-- I love watching her on GMA every morning; I think she is such a doll. How could you not love this girl?!? She thrifty, stylish, sucessful, down to earth, and so cute! I'm a huge fan... You go Lara! Anyways here is a little back ground on her book and a few pictures. You should pick up a copy, I read the whole book yesterday on the MET steps and didn't even walk in the museum--- thats how good it is! Enjoy!
Lara Spencer fesses up about shopping on the cheap and filling friends' homes
with her fabulous finds in her new coffee table book "I Brake
for Yard Sales: and Flea Markets, Thrift Shops, Auctions, and the Occasional
Dumpster." Its spin-off HGTV series airs 8 p.m. Fridays. The book
offers tips on scoring deals and refurbishing flea market finds.
Though most of you know me from seeing me on the red carpet with celebs and as a GMA anchor, hunting for wonderful secondhand finds has been a passion since I was a small girl. My mom used to take me "sale-ing" every weekend. That spelling is intentional, since yard "sale-ing" was exciting, adventurous, and, best of all, didn't require a boat-just a car with enough space to haul our finds home. In fact, my book's title comes from the bumper sticker on my mom's station wagon: "I Brake for Yard Sales" (and boy did she!). My mom has always been known to do an illegal U-turn if she spotted a good sale, and she was instrumental in teaching me to get high style for low prices by using the three R's - Rescue, Recycle, and Reinvent.

I've been wanting to pick this book up! now I definitely want to with your sneak peek pics of the inside!