Walking home in my neighborhood from CVS a few nights ago, I stumbled upon this poor little chair that someone left behind from their move. It clearly was not appealing to anyone in the shape I found it in but remembering what Lara Spencer said about "looking for good bones in furniture" in her book "I Brake for Yard Sales," I couldn't leave this find behind. Even though the chairs wooden frame wasn't in the best shape or quality, its art deco design won my heart over. After hauling this beauty two blocks and four flights of stairs later, my transformation began. With a coat of white paint and a quick recover job, I am proud to say I gave this once city dump destined chair a whole new look and home... Now thats what I call charity! :)
Read my easy how-to below...
-Paint (I used a paint that was similar to the one here. Semi-gloss in white.)
-Paint Brushes (I used one similar to the brushes here. They are perfect for apply a thick coat of paint so you only have to do one coat. They also give you smooth finished look.)
-Fabric (Bought from a fabric store on 39th street for $5.00 a yard.)
-Staple Gun and Staples
1) Remove cushion and paint wooden frame.
(No need to prime with this thick paint. Paint until frame is covered with a smooth finish.)
2) While you are allowing your paint to dry and your cushion is disassembled from your chair frame, take this time to recover it in your favorite fabric. Cut enough fabric to wrap around the entire cushion. (I also used a white fabric as my first layer to hide what could be seen through the stripe fabric... It was a little too thin and sheer for this project but it worked out.)

3) Tightly wrap fabric around cushion and staple with staple gun.
(Be sure that fabric is straight before you staple so the stripes are centered if your using a stripe or plaid printed fabric.)
4) Screw seat cushion back into the frame once the paint has had time to dry over night....
The Finished Product!